Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tummy Tuck Questions

As I grow older, I am constantly frustrated with the bulge at my tummy. I have never been a size two, but this small - almost insignifigant bulg - has pushed me in dress size into the 'heavy' numbers. It is frustrating because the rest of me is still the size I was 10 years ago.

What is a tummy tuck?

One of the very first questions that is asked regularly is just what is a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure or operation to extract the build up of excess fat deposits and loose skin from the abdominal area the operation allows the surgeon to tighten up the abdominal wall muscles. The surgery is known in the medical field as the abdominoplasty procedure it is now regarded as major surgery but despite this fact its popularity continues to increase and it has become one of the most performed surgeries by plastic surgeons.

Who is the best candidate for a tummy tuck?

The ideal candidate for the tummy tuck procedure would be a man or a woman who is in good condition both physically and mentally. In addition, someone who has exhausted all other avenues of losing weight such as exercise and diet. Still has the problem of excess weight and or loose saggy skin around the abdomen area. Many women who finished childbearing benefit from this procedure with its ability to reduce or remove stretch marks.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

The mini tummy tuck, is a less invasive procedure that only requires one incision as opposed to the two incisions required for the full tummy tuck. This procedure is sometimes called the partial abdominoplasty . This operation is suitable for people with less fatty deposits than the candidates for the full tummy tuck. Because there are fewer incisions with this procedure recovery from the mini tummy tuck is often quicker.

Where is a tummy tuck performed?

The tummy tuck procedures are generally performed in a hospital or an outpatients surgical centre. Although some surgeons do perform them in a fully equipped surgeons office-based facility if they have that resource.

Does the surgeon use an anesthetic?

Yes the surgeon will use an anesthetic in most cases this will be a general anesthetic in some cases they will use a local anesthetic and sedation or a combination of the two.

How Long does the surgery last?

The tummy tuck procedure can take between two to five hours a lot depends on the individual case and needs of the patient and if any complications arise during the surgery. The majority of procedures are completed within the two to five hour period.

Rob H provides more articles on Tummy Tuck Procedure along with more information on Tummy Tucks here you are free to use this article providing the article and resource box are used in its entirety with the links active.

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