Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tummy Tuck Questions

As I grow older, I am constantly frustrated with the bulge at my tummy. I have never been a size two, but this small - almost insignifigant bulg - has pushed me in dress size into the 'heavy' numbers. It is frustrating because the rest of me is still the size I was 10 years ago.

What is a tummy tuck?

One of the very first questions that is asked regularly is just what is a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure or operation to extract the build up of excess fat deposits and loose skin from the abdominal area the operation allows the surgeon to tighten up the abdominal wall muscles. The surgery is known in the medical field as the abdominoplasty procedure it is now regarded as major surgery but despite this fact its popularity continues to increase and it has become one of the most performed surgeries by plastic surgeons.

Who is the best candidate for a tummy tuck?

The ideal candidate for the tummy tuck procedure would be a man or a woman who is in good condition both physically and mentally. In addition, someone who has exhausted all other avenues of losing weight such as exercise and diet. Still has the problem of excess weight and or loose saggy skin around the abdomen area. Many women who finished childbearing benefit from this procedure with its ability to reduce or remove stretch marks.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

The mini tummy tuck, is a less invasive procedure that only requires one incision as opposed to the two incisions required for the full tummy tuck. This procedure is sometimes called the partial abdominoplasty . This operation is suitable for people with less fatty deposits than the candidates for the full tummy tuck. Because there are fewer incisions with this procedure recovery from the mini tummy tuck is often quicker.

Where is a tummy tuck performed?

The tummy tuck procedures are generally performed in a hospital or an outpatients surgical centre. Although some surgeons do perform them in a fully equipped surgeons office-based facility if they have that resource.

Does the surgeon use an anesthetic?

Yes the surgeon will use an anesthetic in most cases this will be a general anesthetic in some cases they will use a local anesthetic and sedation or a combination of the two.

How Long does the surgery last?

The tummy tuck procedure can take between two to five hours a lot depends on the individual case and needs of the patient and if any complications arise during the surgery. The majority of procedures are completed within the two to five hour period.

Rob H provides more articles on Tummy Tuck Procedure along with more information on Tummy Tucks here you are free to use this article providing the article and resource box are used in its entirety with the links active.

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What Are The Differences Between Tummy Tuck, Body Lift, And Paniculectomy?

There are more options for us than there were for our parents. In fact, less than 20 years ago, women had no options. The health care did not value the woman's self esteem, or what aging 'ungracefully' would do. I can remember my mother's heart break when she was told to 'act her age.' She would not buy beautiful clothing because they were not suitable for old women.

I am glad we have options.

What Are The Differences Between Tummy Tuck, Body Lift, And Paniculectomy?

Tummy Tuck only corrects the looseness and redundancy of the abdomen. Body Lift combines a Tummy Tuck with the lifting and tightening of the redundant back skin folds, the sagging buttocks and the outer thighs.

Therefore, a Body Lift is a more extensive procedure, with the goal of lifting and tightening the entire lower body. Most people with loose abdominal skin or even with some sagging of the buttocks can be treated with an extended Tummy Tuck or a High Tension Tummy Tuck. For those who, as a result of massive weight loss, develop an abundance of lower body skin excess with sagging of the buttocks and outer thighs are better served with a Body Lift.

Is the Incision for a Body Lift Larger than for Abdominoplasty?

The incision of a body lift extends farther than the incision for Abdominoplasty – past the hips to the back, like a belt. Because of this some people call a Body Lift a “Belt Lipectomy.” A Belt Lipectomy, however, does not lift the buttock and only removes excess skin folds.

What is the Difference Between Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) and Panniculectomy? Panniculectomy is similar to Abdominoplasty in that it removes excessive abdominal skin. More specifically, Panniculectomy is designed for those with an extremely large hanging panus or “spare tire”. On the other hand, Tummy Tuck is for those who having excess loose skin, but not a spare tire. Unlike a Tummy Tuck, Panniculectomy does not tighten the abdominal wall, narrow the waistline, or tighten the upper thighs. Panniculectomy only removes the “spare tire”.

Dr. Sean Younai is a Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with experience in all aspects of body contouring, including liposuction, tummy tuck, high tention abdominoplasty ( http://www.tummy-tuck.biz ). Dr. Younai practices at the California Center for Plastic Surgery (http://www.beautifulfigure.com) and recieves patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Pasadena, Glendale, Valencia, Palmdale, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Oxnard.

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How Does a Tummy Tuck Differ From Liposuction?

The question 'tummy tuck' or 'liposuction.' I am not sure I want a screne in my tummy. But, there is also the fact that liposuction may leave me with a flab of hanging skin to deal with. I do want to get rid of my stomach, but need to make the right choice.

How Does a Tummy Tuck Differ From Liposuction?

One of the most common dilemmas for patients who are concerned with their abdomen is whether they would be better served with a Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty or Liposuction.

While a Tummy Tuck or abdominoplasty is designed to remove loose abdominal skin and to tighten the belly, Liposuction is designed only to remove excess fat. A Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty will not reduce the dress size in a woman of size 14 who has much fat around her abdomen. Likewise, a woman who has lost all her excess weight after pregnancy and is left with loose, hanging abdominal skin will not be able to tighten her abdomen or remove the stretch marks with Liposuction.

There are some people who are “in-between” these two groups – who have both excess fat and a hanging “spare tire.” These people will first need to undergo Liposuction to rid themselves of the fat. They will then need a Tummy Tuck to remove the excess skin and to tighten their abdominal muscles.

A Mini Tummy Tuck or Mini-Abdominoplasty is not as extensive as a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty, requiring only one hour of surgery as opposed to the three to four hours needed for a Tummy Tuck. Since it does not usually involve tightening of the abdominal muscles, it is reserved only for those who only have limited amount of loose skin or stretch marks in the lower abdomen or above the pubic bone. Also, it does not alter the shape of the belly button. A Mini-Tummy Tuck does not involve an extensive undermining and tightening of the abdominal skin, so it can be safely combined with full Liposuction of the abdomen and flank. Therefore, the combination of Mini-Tummy Tuck with Liposuction might be a better choice for those with excessive fat, but limited looseness of the abdomen.

While the incisions for a “full” Tummy Tuck can extend from hipbone to hipbone, those of a Mini-Tummy Tuck are much shorter, usually extending only the width of the pubic area and similar to a C-section scar.

Dr. Sean Younai is a Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with experience in all aspects of body contouring, including liposuction, tummy tuck, high tention abdominoplasty (www.tummy-tuck.biz ). Dr. Younai practices at the California Center for Plastic Surgery (http://www.beautifulfigure.com) and recieves patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Pasadena, Glendale, Valencia, Palmdale, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Oxnard.

At the California Center for Plastic Surgery (http://www.beautifulself.com) he reviews treatment options with patients.

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Tummy Tuck- Will I Lose Weight After Surgery

This is a question I had. I like the fact that I will feel full faster, and as long as I do not bing, the result will be permanent. But, I do wonder if I can 'ruin' my figure if I do indulge on a holiday.

Tummy Tuck- Will I Lose Weight After Surgery

As a Los Angeles plastic surgeon, I am frequently asked this questions by patients who see me for a tummy tuck. The answer is that many of patients start losing weight after undergoing abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). There are several factors that contribute to that.

First, many patients report that after a tummy tuck they feel full faster when they eat than before surgery. This results from the fact that during abdominoplasty, the abdominal wall muscles are tightened with sutures. Tightening of the muscles reduces the intraabdominal capacity. Therefore, smaller amount of food in the stomach will cause the patients to feel full.

Many patients who underwent abdominoplasty find it easier to exercise after undergoing abdominoplasty as there is no excess skin hanging in the lower abdomen.

The redundant abdominal skin and fat in some patients can be quite heavy. It has also been my observation that patients feel more motivated to exercise and follow a diet after surgery which is also very important for weight loss.

A tummy tuck is frequently performed procedure. This procedure allows to remove excess abdominal fat and skin as well as tighten abdominal muscles.

A tummy tuck allow to achieve a more flat appearing abdomen. It is common for a Los Angeles plastic surgeon to combine tummy tuck procedures with liposuction of flanks or other areas. Liposuction of flanks with a tummy tuck allows to better define the waist area.

Visit my tummy tuck before and after pictures section to view pictures of patients who underwent these procedures.

Vladimir Grigoryants, MD
Plastic Surgeon, Glendale CA


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Tummy Tuck Scars

'not as bad as expected' is still not 'no scars.' My skin is aging. Maybe the option of a tummy tuck should be considered by a 40 year old woman, whose skin will spring back and heal the scar. It is something to think about. The problem is - I didn't need a tummy tuck when I was 40 - and didn't envision what I would look like only 8 years later.

Will Tummy Tuck Scars Remain Visible?

The scars that are present after a tummy tuck operation are usually not as bad as one would expect. These tummy tuck scars are often hidden below the swimsuit or underwear line so others cannot see them while you are in a bathing suit. If you are worried about tummy tuck scars, be sure to consult an experienced doctor. A doctor who has performed many of these operations in the past will be good at concealing tummy tuck scars by either performing the procedure better or by removing the scars afterward. A tummy tuck procedure does not require many incisions, so if done by an experienced doctor, you should not have any problems.

Tummy tuck operations require one long incision directly above the pubic area. This first incision will run from hip bone to hip bone, and is the main incision that the doctors will work from. In addition to this incision, a second one may be made at or around the belly button. The second incision is usually not necessary for only a partial tummy tuck operation. Also, if the patient decides to only undergo a partial procedure the initial cut may not be as long either. This is why some people decide to go for the partial tummy tuck, as opposed to the full thing. Again, your doctor will be able to provide you with the advantages and disadvantages of both.

If you get an experienced doctor these scars will almost always fade over time. They also tend to flatten out as your body starts to heal. In most cases these scars eventually come nearly invisible with just a hint left behind.

Tummy tuck scars are not that big of a deal. They are usually below the swimsuit line, and also fade and disappear as time goes on. Do not let the thought of tummy tuck scars stop you from having this operation.

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What Is The Difference Between A Tummy Tuck And A Mini-Tummy Tuck?

I love the options we have available to us today. I never even read about a mini-tuck two or three years ago. It makes me wonder what options I will have in another two or three years. What does frustrate me is the fact that, if I want the job done right, I need to go to a privately owned clinic - which is usually in the southern states

What Is The Difference Between A Tummy Tuck And A Mini-Tummy Tuck?

What Is A Tummy Tuck? Tummy Tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to remove loose hanging abdominal skin, as well as to tighten weakened abdominal wall muscles. Because diet and exercise cannot fix these problems, over 80,000 American men and women undergo Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty every year, in order to regain their figure and abdominal strength.

How does a Tummy Tuck Give You Your Figure Back Following Pregnancy?

Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty re-establishes the strength and integrity of the abdominal wall by repairing the separation and stretching of the two “Rectus” muscles. These muscles (the ones used for “sit ups”) are the two major abdominal wall muscles that are normally held together over the front of the abdomen in order to give it its strength and tightness.

Abdominoplasty also eliminates the loose stretched-out skin (with stretch marks) of the lower tummy, as well as rejuvenating the stretched-out belly button or “umbilicus.”

What Is A Mini-Tummy Tuck?

A Mini Tummy Tuck or Mini-Abdominoplasty is not as extensive as a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty, requiring only one hour of surgery as opposed to the three to four hours needed for a Tummy Tuck. Since it does not usually involve tightening of the abdominal muscles, it is reserved only for those who only have limited amount of loose skin or stretch marks in the lower abdomen or above the pubic bone. Also, it does not alter the shape of the belly button. A Mini-Tummy Tuck does not involve an extensive undermining and tightening of the abdominal skin, so it can be safely combined with full Liposuction of the abdomen and flank. Therefore, the combination of Mini-Tummy Tuck with Liposuction might be a better choice for those with excessive fat, but limited looseness of the abdomen.

While the incisions for a “full” Tummy Tuck can extend from hipbone to hipbone, those of a Mini-Tummy Tuck are much shorter, usually extending only the width of the pubic area and similar to a C-section scar.

Dr. Sean Younai is a Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with experience in all aspects of body contouring, including liposuction, tummy tuck, high tention abdominoplasty ( http://www.tummy-tuck.biz ). Dr. Younai practices at the California Center for Plastic Surgery (http://www.beautifulfigure.com) and recieves patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Pasadena, Glendale, Valencia, Palmdale, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Oxnard.

At the California Center for Plastic Surgery (http://www.beautifulself.com) he reviews treatment options with patients.

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How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

I don't worry about cost. A tummy tuck is forever, and no more than a 2 week vacation. In fact, I can get a tummy tuck and take a 1 week vacation to 'recoup' in a wonderful place. Not that I suggest that. After surgery, you should always stay where you can get help if needed.
There are a few things you need to know before getting a tummy tuck. The first is that you are 'in trouble' if you start gaining weight. Do not get the tummy tuck that uses the screen if you want to reduce weight. This can cause a serious problem.
Tummy tuck doesn't sound serious - but it is a major surgical proceedure that can have serious complications if not taken seriously.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost ?

A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that is performed to tighten and sculpt the abdominal region. The costs that are involved in a tummy tuck depend on several factors, some of which includes the age of the patient, the patient’s body weight and the overall state of health. When budgeting for a tummy tuck surgery, it is also important to take into account all the costs that surround the procedure as well.

The best reference point when inquiring about the costs that are involved in a tummy tuck surgery would be the surgeon himself. The surgeon will not only be able to explain all the procedures involved in the tummy tuck surgery, he will also be able to explain to you how your hard earned money will be spent in your tummy tuck. This will give you a better understanding of the costs involved.

When diagnosing you for a possible tummy tuck, the surgeon will able to determine if the tummy tuck procedure will be a simple one or a complex one. This will tie into the decision of possible medical prescriptions that could be involved. An anesthetist will also be involved in your tummy tuck. A simple tummy tuck can be done with local anesthetics while a complex one will be done under general anesthetics. All these factors will weigh in heavily in your final cost calculations. Even at the cheapest end of the scale, a tummy tuck will still run up to a few thousand dollars.

A lot of people who want a tummy tuck done are looking at overseas specialists because they have come to realize that the costs of a tummy tuck in places such as France or Italy is much less than the US or even the UK. So-called “tummy tuck holidays” are born from the needs of the people who not only want to find cheaper alternatives but also from people who want to spend the recovery period away from home. Another reason would be to have a tummy tuck done away from prying eyes and nosey noses.

Want to learn more about Tummy Tuck Cost?, feel free to visit us at: www.about-tummy-tucks.info/Articles/Tummy_Tuck_Surgery.php

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Plastic Surgery vs. Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery are often confused. Both involve the improvement of your appearance, bonus - but there are differences. Some people make their choice based on money. This is not a good idea. The results are for life. It is much better to wait a year or two and have the 'right' proceedure done than to rush in and have a 'secondary' choice that leaves the patient wishing they had made another choice.
At the least do the research needed to pick the right surgeon. Never choose a plastic surgeon based on price.

Plastic Surgery vs. Reconstructive Surgery

Both plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery are designed to improve the appearance of a person. This can be done through lifts, tucks, reshaping and so on. The correct usage of the terms, however, is dependent upon the underlying reason for the surgical procedure.

Plastic surgery is an elective surgery. In its most basic form, plastic surgery takes a normal part of the body and improves it in a manner desired by the patient. Common plastic surgery procedures include liposuction, breast enhancement or reduction, nose reshaping, reshaping of the abdomen and the well-known facelift. All of these surgeries are based purely on a voluntary desire to improve one’s appearance.

Reconstructive surgery is often elective, but can also be medically necessary. Reconstructive surgery differs from plastic surgery in one significant way. It is focused on making improvements to a damaged or abnormal part of the body. For example, a person may suffer damage from trauma or disease that leaves a part of the body looking abnormal and functionally deficient, such as breaking facial bones in an automobile accident. Reconstructive surgery will be undertaken to repair the facial structure so that it both performs and appears normally. While appearance is important, most reconstructive surgery focuses on functionality first.

The differences between plastic and reconstructive surgery often blur. Breast enhancement or reduction surgery is a form of plastic surgery. Repairing breasts after the all too common complications of breast cancer is considered reconstructive surgery. Repairing the septum of the nose is considered reconstructive surgery, but simply reshaping the nose is considered plastic surgery. This blurred line is repeated in other areas as well.

Ultimately, the dividing line between reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery is mostly an academic debate or vary obvious given specific circumstances. Regardless, it is important to understand that there is a distinction.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com a directory of plastic surgeons

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Stop - Before They Touch Your Body - Is Your Plastic Surgeon Board Certified?

I read the story about the woman in Australia who had liposuction and had more than 8" hanging under her arms, and 10" from her belly after the surgery. It made me stop dead and start thinking about surgeons and where to get good proceedures done.

I don't want to be left looking like a freak. Is there any help for this woman? Even more surgery. To remove the skin is one option, but it will leave long scars on her arms. I am going to watch the news and see what happens.

Meaning Of A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon:

Not every plastic surgeon offering the procedures of cosmetic surgery in his practice is a board certified plastic surgeon. The board certified plastic surgeon gets the concerned certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). The board certified plastic surgeon of the American Board of Plastic Surgery has to undergo number of years of panoptic training and education in the field of plastic surgery, in order to gain the required skills needed for providing the most comprehensive and competent care for the patients.

Qualifications Required By The Board Certified Plastic Surgeon:

To be more specific, the board certified plastic surgeon has to prove his skills by way of meeting the following qualifications at a level that is efficient.
• The board certified plastic surgeon has to be a graduate from a granted medical school.
• The surgeon has to complete minimum five years of extra residency for becoming a board certified plastic surgeon. These years include two years of practicing plastic surgery and three years of practicing general surgery.
• The two years of practice of plastic surgery have to be done in an active manner.
• The surgeon has to pass in the comprehensive oral and written exams to become a board certified plastic surgeon.

Importance Of A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon:

The board certified plastic surgeon holds importance due to the fact that, the individuals get the surety that such a surgeon will have a vast experience in any of the procedures related to the practice of plastic surgery. The individuals can get all the necessary guidance for taking an informed decision on the required surgery from a board certified plastic surgeon. The credibility of the board certified plastic surgeon is proven and hence, such doctors are reliable.

Want more information on board certified plastic surgeons? Then visit our web site!

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What is Beautiful?

I have learned that beauty is a relative term. My husband thinks I am beautiful. The media would not consider me beautiful. But then, my husband does not think that a 5'5" woman who weights 98lb is beautiful.

I think that the media has helped us change the definition of beautiful. For one thing, it is no longer linked to youth. There are many beautiful women over 50 who hold the star roles in movies.

I think the most important thing to beauty is not what you see in the mirror, but what you think about yourself. A beautiful person starts on the inside. Yes, a certain look may open doors, but that person usually ends up being used. That is not beauty. True beauty is the power - not the pawn.

Most women lose their beauty because they stop thinking of themselves as desirable or beautiful. You are not what you eat. You are what you feel.

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