Monday, May 26, 2008

Why Men WHAT to Hit her G Spot

There is a lot of talk on the net about getting good sex from a woman. Men often think that it is a 'pain' to focus on the woman, it decreases their feelings. However - that is about to change.

You won't hear it about this from your doctor. When thrusting so that you hit the woman's g-spot, there is more than her organism to make you want to focus. One reason is that holding a woman in a position that creates contact with the gspot, also brings tighter control to her. This increases her sensation. When a man learns to do this right, she tightens. this site will offer some safe and comfortable positions.

When a woman tightens this increases the pressure. There are very few women who have a problem being in a position where she is raised slightly. In fact, when it comes right to it, the missionary position can offer the least satisfaction to a male.

Viagra may not be needed. The tightness combined with the extra sensation on the outside (think of sandwiching the g-spot) creates the perfect sensation. Give it a try. You'll soon become a fan of 'hitting the g-spot.'

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Unexplained Symptoms

I’ve been in the hospital all day. They ran tests, took blood and urine every 12 hours, and talked to specialists. At the end of the day they knew something was wrong, but didn’t know what it was.

This is the hardest type of situation for a patient to handle. You know you are not faking it. You go home and suffer, reluctant to return to the clinic next time there is something wrong. Some of the most dangerous problems, mild strokes, heart problems, etc. have vague problems with unassuming symptoms.

There are ways to make sure that you help the doctors solve your problem. The better you can explain your problem, the easier it is for them to diagnose.

Understand Your Symptoms

The first step is to make sure that you are not suffering from two problems. I once had a heart problem and accidental poisoning at the same time. There are several places on the net that will help you understand your symptoms. If you are in Canada, call the health hotline: 1-866-797-0000.

Understanding and focusing on symptoms will help you understand what is important, and what is not. This will help you focus on the things to tell your doctor. A look at the symptoms will also let you know if the problem is serious enough to contact the doctors, or if you can treat it yourself.

Be Honest

No one wants to admit they are having panic attacks, or are depressed. Most of us fear being slow of thinking or may be afraid of being told our problem is ‘trivial.’ However, a set of symptoms may point to one thing – but when adding panic attacks the problem can become life threatening.

Work at Home Freelance
Pro Aging
Living With Food Related Diseases

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What is the Secret of Romance

Secret of Romance

What is the secret of romance? What makes your marriage a good one? I am not talking about the forgiving, and overlooking faults in the other person. I mean, what do you do on a daily basis that makes your marriage fun. What do you do that makes your spouse look at you as if you are the most wonderful friend they every had?

Is there some small thing? Or, are you the type to plan the occasional big night? I was watching a movie last night with my family called True Lies. It was a comedy, but it did make me stop and think. The hero/heroine's marriage was dull and repetitive. They were forced into a situation that brought out the adventure in each other. The couple took a new look at each other and treated each other differently.

It made me wonder how many marriages could be turned around if people took another look at their spouse.

Here are some things we do:

  1. My husband and I go out on a date once a month.

  2. We flirt with each other. If we don't feel like being fun, we honestly tell the other one. There are some times we just play along to 'feed' the other's emotions. But, most of the time we get into the fun of the moment.

  3. We say one nice thing to each other every day - without fail.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Foods That Suppress Appetite

There has been a lot of controversy in the news over natural appetite suppressants. Hoodia has been in the news. It has been painted with an evil brush, but what most people do not understand is that it has been eaten as a part of people’s diet for centuries. It is part of a naturally growing cactus that just happens to have the ability to suppress the appetite.

This made me wonder whether other foods have any appetite suppressant qualities. The first thing I learned was that most people are not hungry when they ‘feel’ hungry – they are thirsty.

Today’s diet has cross wired our brains messages. Most people feel the same whether they are hungry or thirsty. Next time you want to reach for a snack, pick up a bottle of water first.

If water doesn’t do the trick, then drink vegetable broth. The broth is better than juice. The juice may have starches added to make the drink thicker, smoother, or improve the color. Broth is primarily water and does are not ad calories.

Green foods will suppress the appetite. Any green or leafy vegetable will work. The simplest ‘food’ is apples. It works for people who are feeding their emotions, and it also curbs the appetite. Eat about 30 minutes before dinner and you’ll eat less food.

Another appetite suppressant food is a pickle. Trader Joe’s pickles have the benefit of having no added food coloring. But, read the ingredients. Some pickles are more ‘candied vegies’ than pickles. They have no dietary benefits.

If you must pop pills, then take fiber pills. Drink plenty of water with them. Without water they can cause digestive problems. Not only will they prime the digestive system so weight loss is easier, but the right ones will make the stomach feel full.

How I Learned to Like Myself

The day I over-heard my mother and aunt talking about my grandmother’s failing health became the most dramatic turning point in my life. According to my grandmother’s doctor, her failing physical health was partly due to un-forgiveness. It shocked me that a trained doctor would make such a radical statement. I first believed that my mother heard wrong, but over the years, I have seen many people overcome emotional and physical problems by learning to forgive. Doctors do not deny that some problems are stress related or caused by the bitterness and resentment we feel against people who hurt us.

Beth (not her real name) was always ill. She had heart problems at a young age, and spent several weeks at home in bed. This made it impossible for her to establish a career or even meet the bills. She did not imagine these illnesses. They included serious sinus and ear infections, which required antibiotics, headaches, and an ever-increasing list of allergies. After suffering for ten years, she was introduced to emotional healing. She learned to control her anger, stop procrastinating, confront problems, and forgive. Beth took charge of her life, and two years later a dynamic, energetic, happy Beth replaced the pale, struggling, old Beth.

The difference? Beth learned to make good choices.

When we think of making good choices, we think of money management, a career choice, entering or leaving a relationship, or changing the course of our lives. While these are dramatic turning points, these choices do not have the greatest effect on our lives.

Our most important choices are:
To love
To respect
To be kind
To forgive
To forget
To take control of today’s problems, and handle them today

These choices make the difference between happiness and some types of depression, peace and bitterness, anger and patience, high/low self-esteem, or contentment and turmoil.


Love without action is dead. Many people complain that there is no fire left in their relationships, but when they list the things they do to build that fire, the list is pathetically short. We need to love the people in our lives. We do not love others with acts of kindness, compassion, affection, and friendship for their benefit, we do it because humans need to feel love.

There is a secret to feeling loved. It grows from the inside. You can pour years of love into a person with low self-esteem, and it will just drain out like water through a sieve. This is because love grows inside of us and reaches out, only then will we ‘feel’ the love others give us.

Respect and Kindness

These go hand in hand. People who do not respect others have a low self-esteem and emotional intelligence level. This is not because they are bad people, but they do not rejuvenate their inner person.

When I was little my mom asked, “Is your loving cup full?” She was referring to my self-esteem. How I felt about myself. When I grew up, I learned that life drains this ‘measuring cup’ on a daily basis. We refill it by doing something positive. One example is making cookies when you are depressed. Another example is being nice to people, especially when they do not deserve it.

By changing the things we do toward ourselves and others, we change the way we see ourselves and the way others see us.