Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What is the Secret of Romance

Secret of Romance

What is the secret of romance? What makes your marriage a good one? I am not talking about the forgiving, and overlooking faults in the other person. I mean, what do you do on a daily basis that makes your marriage fun. What do you do that makes your spouse look at you as if you are the most wonderful friend they every had?

Is there some small thing? Or, are you the type to plan the occasional big night? I was watching a movie last night with my family called True Lies. It was a comedy, but it did make me stop and think. The hero/heroine's marriage was dull and repetitive. They were forced into a situation that brought out the adventure in each other. The couple took a new look at each other and treated each other differently.

It made me wonder how many marriages could be turned around if people took another look at their spouse.

Here are some things we do:

  1. My husband and I go out on a date once a month.

  2. We flirt with each other. If we don't feel like being fun, we honestly tell the other one. There are some times we just play along to 'feed' the other's emotions. But, most of the time we get into the fun of the moment.

  3. We say one nice thing to each other every day - without fail.


Anonymous said...

Romance starts the moment you wake up. It is that kind word you say, the soft kiss you share.

It shouldn't be something that is reserved for a special occasion and Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

Romance to me is the feeling I get when my husband is nice to me.

I like to be nice and make him smile. He likes it when I watch sports with him.

Unknown said...

As a romance writer, I've found it much easier to initiate sparks in my novels than in my real-life relationship. After you've been married for so long, the 'thrill' becomes mundane and you have to do special things to remind your mate that they are still 'the one'. Three things I do:

1. I leave sticky notes telling Kelly I love him. I leave them on the speedometer in the car so he sees it first thing, or I've even stopped by his work and left a big computer generated love note under his windshield.

2. Our song is Unchained Melody, and whenever it comes on the radio, I call his cell number and let him listen. If he doesn't answer, I at least know he'll hear it when he listens to his messages. In that way, he knows I'm tellng him I love him and he's very special to me.

3. I always hold his hand. When we are in public, we walk hand and hand. He's mine and I think that tells the world, and him, that I'm proud of that fact.

Impact is Everything said...

3. I always hold his hand. When we are in public, we walk hand and hand. He's mine and I think that tells the world, and him, that I'm proud of that fact.

I agree with this one. Sometimes being proud of my husband is the only thing he needs to 'feel' loved by me.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I spend so much time together these days, we make an effort to have different interests and NOT encroach on each other's time or space. It's sweet then, when we make a concerted effort to participate in each other's activities.
I am not sure we are overly romantic, but after thirty two years we still prefer each other's company to any other. Family is important and we share many hours with our new grand daughter.
Every day we re affirm our love for each other in small gestures and in openly saying "I love you". It never becomes jaded or mundane as we speak from the heart.

Margaret Tanner said...

Hi Ginger,
You have just said it all. "You hold his hand when you go out".I think that is the pivotal point. Another goody is one my mother adhered too. "Never go to sleep on an argument."
Margaret Tanner